Buy local. Not a new concept but one that is not often practiced or understood. Buying local helps keep your money circulating through your hometown: paying your neighbors’ salaries, boosting local government revenues and so on.

- Local is fresher! We have gotten beer in from our local breweries within days of it being bottled. Plus, our local food producers make many of our products to order, to ensure the highest quality for you.
- Local supports entrepreneurs! We support fellow small business owners – brewers, chocolate makers, winemakers, etc. – that have also set out to follow their dream.
- Personal Connections! We are always happy to see and chat with our customers and to help them find that perfect beer, wine, or cider.
- Diverse Products (& Special Orders)! We try to carry unique and interesting beers, wines, and ciders and will help you find anything that you need or want!
- Learning Opportunities! We strongly believe in providing learning opportunities to our customers and actively work to provide as many as possible.
Shopping locally has a positive effect on OUR community and we love the Crystal City community!