Fine Creek Biere de Vin 750ml


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SKU: 210000015268 Categories: , Tag:

“This BieÌ€re de Vin is the culmination of conditioning our open fermented Brett Saison on Moscato Ottonel grape skins from Barboursville Vineyards. Prior to conditioning, this beer was a fruity and funky Saison with floral notes and a crisp minerality. It had some mild yeast derived spice, alongside light malt tones of straw and whole grain bread from a grist of Murphy & Rude 6-Row and Epiphany wheat.

Conditioning on the Moscato skins transformed the beer, developing a gentle acidity, robust white grape profile, and mild green tea notes. Natural carbonation adds a liveliness to the tart mouthfeel, and brings the floral and fruity elements to the forefront. Meanwhile, the finish highlights another addition from the grape skins: pleasant drying tannins that cut through the otherwise round body.”

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